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Lovech Troyan

0877 055 343
Questions and Answers:
Advantages of working with a Construction Consultant:
1. Qualified skills of the consultant - A qualified consulting company will have the direct experience that your project needs.
2. Knowledge - Experienced managers use the knowledge learned from years of work on similar projects and apply it to your project. They avoid typical mistakes that are made in the field and recommend cost-saving methods.
3. No conflict of interest - The construction consultant has no other interest than that of the client. All other participants in the construction process - landlords, suppliers and contractors have a vested interest, which can affect design decisions and lead to unnecessary costs.
4. Minimizes risk - Working with a Construction Consultant minimizes costly errors, which often happens due to lack of relevant experience.
5. Quality - Projects may involve up to 15 different consultants, contractors and suppliers - ranging from architects and engineers to general contractors and specialist suppliers - often working under the strictest time constraints. Construction control ensures good communication and coordination between all participants in the work process.
6. From start to finish - As a Construction Consultant and your trusted partner, we will monitor your entire project from planning to implementation.
Participants in the construction process:
According to the law, the participants in the construction process are: assignor , builder , designer , the person performing construction supervision .
Assignor - The Assignor is the owner of the property, the person to whom the right to build in another's property has been established, and the person who has the right to build in another's property by virtue of law. He organizes the entire construction process, concluding contracts with all other participants regarding their activities and is responsible for starting the construction in accordance with the requirements of the law.
Builder (Contractor) - The builder is a person or company who, under a contract with the contracting authority, performs the construction in accordance with the issued construction documents. A builder performing construction from the first to the fifth category must be registered in the Central Professional Register of Builders at the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria.
Designer - The designer is the person or company that has prepared the investment project. These specialists must have design qualifications, ie have a certificate issued by the Chamber of Architects , respectively the Chamber of Engineers in Investment Design and on the basis of it to be entered in the public registers kept by the chambers.
Construction Supervising Consultant - The Construction Supervising Consultant is a trader who assesses compliance of the investment project with the basic requirements to the constructions and / or exercises construction supervision during the execution of the constructions, on the basis of a written contract with the assignor.
The consultant exercises control over the completeness and correctness of the acts and protocols in the construction process , signing each of them; in case of establishing violations in the process, he is obliged to notify the DNC; monitors compliance with the requirements for healthy and safe working conditions in construction; is responsible for non-compliance with technical rules and regulations and approved projects, etc.
After the completion of the construction activities, it prepares a final report. The presence of a report is a condition for the issuance of a permit for use of the construction for the constructions of the first, second and third category, respectively a certificate for putting into operation for the constructions of the fourth and fifth category.
How and by whom is a building permit issued?
It is an obligatory requirement for the constructions to be performed with an effective construction permit.
A building permit can only be issued to the property owner or to a person to whom a right to build in another's property has been established.
The building permit is issued by the chief architect of the municipality, and for the cities with regional division - by decision of the municipal council - by the chief architect of the region.
In case you have suspicions of violations of the regulations on spatial planning, you should contact the administration of the relevant region of Sofia Municipality, on the territory of which your residential building is located. Pursuant to the Spatial Planning Act, the municipal (regional) administration exercises control over the implementation of approved investment projects, construction permits, as well as compliance with current regulations for spatial planning in respect of constructions carried out within the territorial scope of the region.
In case of established violations committed by the perpetrators of the construction, the mayor of the municipality has the authority to impose fines or property sanctions on the violators, as well as to issue an order to stop the construction.
In case of illegal construction, the mayor of the municipality (region) is obliged to notify the Directorate for National Construction Control to take action. on removal.
For which constructions is a construction site not opened, but only an order book is certified?
For the constructions of the sixth category under art. 147, para 1, items 2,3,5, 7 and 8 of the Spatial Development Act, when they are located along the property boundaries of the land properties, Section II construction line and level of construction ” .
No acts and protocols are drawn up for the other constructions of the sixth category.
The procedure and conditions for drawing up acts and protocols are determined by Ordinance № 3 of 31.07.2003 on drawing up acts and protocols during construction (SG, issue 72/2003).
In some cases in internal reconstructions without affecting the construction of the building, it is not necessary to draw up a protocol for opening the construction site and determining the construction line and level. The assessment in these cases is made by qualified and technically competent persons - participants in the construction.
What is the procedure for remodeling a room? Can approved investment projects be changed before the construction use permit is issued?
After the issuance of the construction permit, changes in the approved investment projects are allowed only within the scope of the so-called significant deviations under Article 154, paragraph 2, items 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Spatial Development Act;
The assessment of the admissibility of the changes should be made by designers with full design capacity, as well as by the person who will assess the compliance of the project and by the chief architect of the municipality, who will approve the project.
The amendments are allowed at the request of the assignor, accompanied by a notarized consent of the interested parties under Art. 149, para 2 of the Spatial Development Act.
The allowed changes are marked with a note in the issued construction permit and are determined as admissible (allowed) before their implementation.
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